Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bear Mountain

We had such a beautiful mild day where the sun was shining and the re was no snow so we decided to make a day trip to the Bear Monutain Zoo. Fionn would not leave he house without his lion so we had to try and find him a seat in the car.
The kids had so much fun running around outside and seeing the animals. Fionn's favorite were the bears and the bald eagle.

After the zoo we went to the carousel. This was Saoirse's first time on a carousel and she enjoyed it so much we had to battle to get her to leave. I think everyone had a really enjoyable day.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Saoirse 18 months.

Some things about Saoirse as she nears 18months.She is a very outgoing and friendly little girl.Her fovorite thing is story time at the library here she likes to be the center of attention, clapping and dancing and trying to get everyone involved. She absolutely loves Miss Ginny and brings the books to her to read. Saoirse loves to sit on peoples knees and have them read to her(strangers included any lap will do). Katie got her a Jungle Pop book which she absolutely adores and will want to read it about 10 times a day. She loves music and dancing,her favorites rhymes being Twinkle,Twinkle little star and Itsy Bitsy spider. She has a number of words now. She says Dada and Mama, Cat caca(cracker), Star, Up abo( up above) numerous animal sounds Quack,neigh,meow,moo,pa woo(elephant) roar and probably a bunch more.Saoirse(and Fionn) have an obsession with this rap animal song which they both sing to .
We have just moved Saoirse to a toddler bed due to the fact she is trying to climb out of her bed and so far it is going well. I cannot believe how quickly time has gone and Saoirse is growing up so quickly. She is such a beautiful loving little girl and I am truly blessed to have her.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow fun

Today was our first real snow of the year so we all bundled up and headed out to have some fun. Fionn and Saoirse had a fantastic time playing in the snow and diving into a big pile that Tim had made to start making a snow man.

Fionn was super excited to make a snowman and was asking all morning to go outside to make one.So here it is, Fionn's first snowman and how proud he is of it.

Just for fun

Right now the kids are crazy about these animal hats. We all put them on and have to pretend to be an animal. They always want me to put on the Lion or Tiger hats and chase after them roaring.  Poor Saoirse's head is so small that they keep falling down and she cant see,so she ends up banging into walls.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tioronda Pajama day

At Fionn's preschool they had pajama day where they came in in PJ's and got to bring a teddy with them. They made pancakes and sausages( even Fionn!) and read stories.


Fionn really enjoys playing with hats right now or in this case a wig. He also loves the fireman helmet. His favorite book is chiclen licken and has me read at least twice a day to him.

Some recent pictures from school.

New year

We had a quiet New years eve which was nice and  the kids went a little early to bed so we relaxed and watched a movie.
For New year we went to Mike and Sylvias and had a lot of fun with the kids.

I think my favorite moment was when Fionn was trying to put the barbie shoe on his toe.
It is so wonderful to have the fabrico's in our lives as they are the nearest thing to family we have over here and the children have people who adore them as if they were family.

Family caricature

What can I say, I think it is a great likeness of Tim for sure. Normally at Tim's office family party they have a photo booth,this year they had people doing caricatures. When asked for a theme Fionn wanted animal(what a surprise!) .