Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Daddy is away on a work trip so we have to find things to do to keep busy. I took out the giraffe paddling pool and put balls in it and the kids had a lot of fun playing.

I also like to do some crafts with them. Fionn is really having fun with paints and likes to make "paw prints"( Blues clues),I cannot yet convince him that they are hand and footprints.
We used the footprints to make snowmen  like we did the previous year.

My little brother got engaged to a wonderful girl Emma , whom Fionn absolutely adores. He wanted to make "Cuncle Kieran" and Emma something really nice so we decided to use the handprints to make a card, and then Fionn used letters and stickers to decorate it with a little help from Saoirse.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bronx Zoo

Fionn has been asking to go to the zoo for many weeks now and as the weather was quite mild we decided to go. The kids had a marvelous time seeing the all the animals especially the giraffes.

The only diasappointment for Fionn was that he did not get to see the elephants and Zebras but
they got to experience the 4D Diego and Dora adventure and ride the bug carousel, so we were all happy and exhausted by the end.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines day

Today was a very busy day. Fionn had a valentines day party at school and after lunch we had a party at Katie's house. The kids had a lot of fun decorating cookies , playing with play-doh and just having lots of fun with their friends.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy

For Daddy's birthday we took a long walk down by long dock and then had some yummy cupcakes. The kids polished them off very quickly and left quite a mess. fionn was very helpful trying to brush up the crumbs from Saoirse's tray. He then tried to take her  a walk in the doll stroller.